Biological Nanostructures and Applications of Nanostructures in Biology, Electrical, Mechanical, and Optical Properties - M. Stroscio (Kluwer, 2004).pdf Bionanotechnology, Lessons from Nature - D. Goodsell (Wiley-Liss, 2004).pdf Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment - N. Cheremisinoff (NP, 1996).pdf Biotechnology Unzipped, Promises And Realities - E. Grace (Joseph Henry Press, 1997).pdf Biotechnology, Changing Life Through Science [3 Volumes] - K. Lerner, B. Lerner (Thomson Gale, 2007).pdf Cell and Tissue Culture, Laboratory Procedures in Biotechnology - A. Doyle (Wiley & Sons, 1998).pdf Cereal Biotechnology - P. Morris , J. Bryce (CRC Press, 2000).pdf Environmental Biotechnology, Principles and Applications - G. Evans, J. Furlong (Wiley & Sons, 2003).pdf Evolutionary Methods in Biotechnology, S. Brakmann (Wiley, 2004).pdf From Biotechnology to Genomes, The Meaning of the Double Helix - P. Goujon (World Scientific Publishing, 2001).pdf Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology - V. Valpuesta (CRC Press, 2002).pdf Glossary of Biotechnology Terms 3rd Ed. - K. Nill (CRC Press, 2002).pdf History and Trends in Bioprocessing and Biotransformation - T. Scheper, N. Dutta, F. Hammar (Springer, 2002).pdf History of Modern Biotechnology I - T. Scheper (Springer, 2000).pdf History Of Modern Biotechnology II - T. Scheper (Springer, 2000).pdf Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - H. Klefenz (Wiley-VCH, 2002).pdf lista.txt Marine Biotechnology in the 21st Century - N. Targett (National Academy Press, 2002).pdf Modern Advances in Chromatography - T. Scheper (Springer, 2002).pdf Modern Biotechnology - N. Mosier, M. Ladisch (Wiley & Sons, 2009).pdf Physics And Chemistry Basis Of Biotechnology - M. De Cuyper, J. Bulte (Kluwer, 2002).pdf Plant Biotechnology and Transgenic Plants - K. Oksman-Caldentey, W. Barz (Marcel Dekker, 2002).pdf Principles of Tissue Engineering 3rd Ed. - R. Lanza, et al., (Elsevier, 2007).pdf Separation Processes In The Food and Biotechnology Industries - A. Grandison (Woodhead Publishing, 1996).pdf Synthetic Polymers for Biotechnology and Medicine - R. Freitag (Eurekah, 2003).pdf The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial Sustainability - C. Hansen (OECD, 2001).pdf The Biotechnology of Ethanol - M. Roher (Wiley-VCH, 2001).pdf