Animal Evolution - M. Telford, D. Littlewood (Oxford, 2009).pdf Charles Darwin and the Evolution Revolution - R. Stefoff (Oxford, 1996).pdf Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life - H. Rauchfuss (Springer, 2008).pdf Comparative Primate Socioecology - P. Lee (Cambridge, 2004).pdf Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology 3rd Ed. - E. Sober (MIT, 2006).pdf Cooperation in Primates and Humans, Mechanisms and Evolution - P. Kappeler (Springer, 2006).pdf Darwin In The Genome, Molecular Strategies In Biological Evolution - L. Caporale (McGraw-Hill, 2003).pdf Evoluci˘n, La Base de la Biologˇa - M. Soler (Proyecto Sur, 2002).pdf Evolution - D. Futuyama (Sinauer, 2005).pdf Evolution 3th Ed. - M. Ridley (Blackwell, 2004).pdf Evolution and the Fossil Record - J. Pojeta, D. Springer (American Geological Institute, 2001).pdf Evolution of the Brain, Creation of the Self - J. Eccles (Routledge, 1986).pdf Evolutionary Biology, From Concept to Application - P. Pontarotti (Springer, 2008).pdf Evolutionary Catastrophes, The Science of Mass Extinction - V. Courtillot (Cambridge, 2003).pdf Evolutionary Conservation Biology - R. FerriŠre (Cambridge, 2004).pdf Extinctions in the History of Life - P. Taylor (Cambridge, 2004).pdf From Dust To Stars - N. Schulz (Praxis, 2005).pdf Genesis, The Evolution of Biology - J. Sapp (Oxford, 2003).pdf History of Life, A Very Short Introduction - M. Benton (Oxford University Press, 2008).pdf Human Evolution, A Very Short Introduction - B. Wood (Oxford, 2005).pdf Human Evolution, An Illustrated Introduction 5th Ed. - R. Lewin (Blackwell, 2005).pdf Hybrid zones and the Evolutionary Process - R. Harrison (Oxford Univesity Press, 1993).pdf In Darwin's Shadow, The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace - M. Shermer (Oxford, 2002).pdf La Evolucion y las Ciencias - V. Scheinsohn (Emec‚ Editores, 2001).pdf lista.txt Meat-Eating and Human Evolution - C. Stanford, H. Bunn (Oxford, 2001).pdf Molecular Population Genetics and Evolution - M. Nei (Elsevier, 1975).pdf Monad to Man, The Concept of Progress in Evolutionary Biology - M. Ruse (Harvard University Press, 1996).pdf Selective Sweep - D. Nurminsky (Kluwer, 2005).pdf Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory - Q. Wheeler, R. Meier (Columbia University Press, 2000).pdf The Ancestor's Tale - R. Dawkins (2004).pdf The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution - L.Mai, M.Young (Cambridge, 2005).pdf The Cell, Evolution of the First Organism - J. Panno (FOF, 2005).pdf The Hunt for the Dawn Monkey, Unearthing The Origins of Monkeys Apes and Humans - C. Beard (2004).pdf The Origin of Species - C. Darwin (1859).pdf The Phenomenon of Science, A Cybernetic Approach to Human Evolution - V. Turchin (Columbia University Press, 1977).pdf Why Evolution Is True - J. Coyne (Oxford, 2009).pdf